Arch Installer


How to install Archlinux

First download the ISO with the Button above.

To Install Archlinux with Arch Installer(arch-tui-installer), you must first create an Installation Media.
You can use Rufus(Windows), BalenaEtcher(Windows, macOS and Linux), attach the ISO to the Virtual Machine or
copy the ISO to an Ventoy drive(Works with every PC. Requires Installer for Windows, macOS or Linux).

After you have started the Computer/VM with the Installation Media, you must connect to the Internet.
When you are using Ethernet with DHCP you can skip this Step. Use the Utility nmtui to connect to your Wifi.

Then run the Command setup to start the Setup.

A more Detailed Guide with Pictures can be found here

How to install a Desktop

This Tutorial requires an installed Archlinux with the Tutorial above.
If you used the full-installation mode or the 2steps-installation mode, you had to choose a desktop during the installation.

Use the command installer to install a desktop.
You can choose between Xfce4, Cinnamon, GNOME, KDE-Plasma, Deepin, MATE, Trinity, LXQt and LXDE.